though they are the closest relative of the north american wild turkey, the ocellated turkey looks wildly different in appearance, and while still being a large bird, is much smaller. this turkey is found only in a small range of mexico and an even tinier portion of south america. both males and females have a distinctive blue head and bright feathers with a metallic sheen. ocellated turkeys feed off of fruits, plant matter, and insects, and forage on the ground in flocks. at night they roost in trees to avoid predators such as jaguars, but spend the majority of their time on the ground.


the australian brushturkey is a large bird native to much of australia. despite their name, the brushturkey family is not closely related to american turkeys. though they share some similar traits, such as body shape and similar diets, the australian brushturkey is renowned as a unique bird. males build enormous nests, sometimes around eight feet in width, out of decomposing leaves and plant material. eggs are buried within, and the decomposing matter incubates them. brushturkey chicks are precocial, and leave the nest as soon as they have dug themselves out of the mound, with no help from their parents.
