the thick billed raven is a large corvid endemic to africa. thick-billed ravens are easily distinguished from other ravens by their massive beaks. like other ravens, they are opportunistic feeders, and will eat on carrion, small animals, insects, and more. they are considered by some to be the heaviest passerine in the world.


bird of the day: the thick-billed raven!

the thick-billed raven is a large bird native to africa (mainly Ethiopia), distinguished by its distinct curved and thick beak.

the thick-billed raven is the largest of the corvid family. they feed off of grubs, insects, small reptiles, carrion, and human scraps when available.

the thick-billed raven has participated in intelligence tests in captivity, and like other ravens, is considerably smart and adept at solving puzzles. they are also capable of mimicking sound and human voices, though this has only been seen in captivity.

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