the scaly-breasted lorikeet is a medium-sized parrot native to woodlands in australia. they are named for their chest patterning; yellow feathers edged with green, which appear similar to scales. like other lorikeets, they feed mainly on nectar using their specialized tongues, along with pollen, blossoms, buds, fruit, and insects. they live in flocks, sometimes mixing with other lorikeets, and build nests in tree cavities.


the kakapo (strigops habroptila) is the world’s only flightless parrot. the kakapo is nocturnal and is native only to small islands off of new zealand. kakapo, as of 2018, are critically endangered. kakapo are vulnerable to introduced predators, and their slow breeding cycles make recovering from population drops difficult.


If you are still taking requests, have any pics of wild budgies with odd colors? Anything from captive breed ones to mutant colors!

yeah! note – these are mostly (if not all) escaped budgies or offspring of escaped budgies that interbred with wild flocks. with some populations, the offspring return to being just ‘wild’ colored within only a few generations, but in some places, there’s domestic-colored budgies years later!
