australian magpies are medium-sized passerine birds native to australia. typically black and white, this unusually pale member of the species likely is leucistic. leucistic birds have a lack of pigmentation that can display either as overall paler birds, like this one, or ‘pied’ birds.


a common raven with leucism. leucism is similar to albinism, but is a partial lack of many pigments, not a complete loss. ravens are known for their black pigmentation; pure white birds like this one suffer from increased visibility to predators, as well as sometimes being rejected socially.


this white large-billed crow was spotted in shimane, japan. crows with such drastic variations in color aren’t entirely uncommon, and have been seen not only in japan but in different crow species all over the world. it’s likely this bird’s color results from leucism, a genetic mutation that causes a decrease in melanin and other pigments.

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