the canada jay, also known as the gray jay, is a small corvid found in canada and parts of the united states. canada jays have an appearance unique for jays; unlike many jays, which are similar to crows in build, the canada jay is fluffy to keep insulated in the cold and has a small beak and stout build. despiteo their innocent appearance, the omnivorous canada jay frequently preys on nestlings and small mammals.


the plush-crested jay is a medium-sized member of the corvid family found in south america. named for their distinctive crest, other identifying features of this jay are bright yellow eyes and a distinctive purple-blue back. these jays feed off of mainly fruit and insects and reside in the rainforest.


researchers discovered that ravens use gestures to grab each other’s attention. referential gestures, like pointing, are common with humans and apes, but not often associated with non-primates. ravens were found grabbing and offering non-food items like moss, sticks, and rocks with their beaks to other ravens to grab their attention.


researchers at the university of cambridge have found that eurasian jays, a member of the corvid family, may show empathy, and cater to their partners’ needs. researchers fed a female jay where her partner could see her. there were two bugs that were fed: mealworms and waxworms. researchers fed only one kind. after receiving many, the jays wanted the other option. when the males were allowed to feed the female, they gave her the bug she had not been fed. when researchers fed the females out of sight, the jays did not know which was preferred and fed both bugs to their mate equally.

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the violaceous jay is an unusually colored member of the corvid family. native to forests of south america, the violaceous jay has a black ‘hood’ and neck, with violet coloration on the wings and back and a lighter purple chest. these jays live in typically noisy flocks and forage for fruits, insects, eggs, and small lizards.


the green jay is a colorful medium-sized corvid found in central america, with its range spanning from texas to the honduras. green jays feed mainly on insects, grains, and seeds, and like other corvids, are known for their intelligence. the green jay has been observed making tools out of sticks to extract insects from bark.


the siberian jay is a small passerine bird found throughout europe and asia. unlike most jays, they are very fluffy, for the purpose of insulation in harsh weather. they are small and have an almost chickadee-like build. these jays live in spruce and pine forests where they forage for seeds, berries, and insects, with occasional other foods like carrion or eggs.


the purplish-backed jay is a large member of the corvid family, native to northwestern mexico. this jay has a large beak and somewhat resembles its crow relatives. the purplish-backed jay is distinctly colored, with yellow legs, purple wings, tail and back, and black elsewhere (juveniles have yellow beaks). they live in small groups consisting of parents and their offspring in dry, deciduous forests.


a french theme park has enlisted rooks, a species of crow, to help clean up cigarette butts and other trash. the smart crows were taught to put small pieces of garbage into a treat-dispensing box. while the theme park doesn’t feel that the crows will be able to handle a large-scale cleanup operation, they do hope they inspire human visitors to be more respectful.
