the hooded oriole is a member of the blackbird family native to parts of the united states and mexico. like other orioles, they feed mainly on insects, nectar, and fruit. unlike birds such as hummingbirds that assist in pollination, hooded orioles are ‘nectar robbers’; they pierce the side of the flower to access the nectar, which doesn’t help to pollinate the plant.


the red-legged seriema is native to south america. once believed to be related to cranes due to their disproportionately long legs, they are actually closer to falcons, parrots, and the now-extinct terror birds. they are occasionally used as guard birds for poultry. they kill prey such as snakes by picking them up and throwing them repeatedly against the ground.


why don’t we ever see swallows portrayed as kindly villagers?


live in warm barns

build very cozy cup nests

look like this:

give them what they deserve!! swallows are kind fellows with cozy homes that probably smell like the inside of a michael’s craft store


the blackburnian warbler is a small member of the warbler family with a distinct yellow and orange head and neck. the blackburnian warbler is found from southern canada to the upper eastern portion of the united states. they have a wintering range in central & south america. they feed primarily on insects; one study found them to make up 98% of the blackburnian warbler’s diet.
