the bearded vulture is a large old-world vulture found in parts of europe, asia, and africa. the majority of the bearded vulture’s diet consists of bones. small bones are eaten whole, while large bones are cracked open by the vultures, who drop them from great heights. the vultures are naturally a light off-white, but they dye themselves orange-red using clay. it’s theorized this is a status symbol, with the darkest-colored vultures being the highest ranking.


the red-winged blackbird is native to most of north america and parts of central america. they are mainly found in marshes and the edges of wetlands. the majority of their diet is seeds, but a large portion is also insects, particularly insects associated with water such as dragonflies, and in warmer months berries are also eaten.


the carolina wren is a small species of songbird found in the eastern half of north america. wrens feed off of insects, small lizards, and seeds. mates typically do not stay together for life, but for several years, during which time they stake out a territory and raise their broods in the summer.


despite having very similar distinct body shape & behavior, swifts and swallows are only very distantly related. the two families are an example of convergent evolution – when two unrelated organisms evolve the same traits for the same purpose. despite looking very much like swallows, swifts are actually closely related to hummingbirds.
