the black swift is native to north and south america, and like other members of the swift family, has unique traits. all swifts have pamprodactyl feet – meaning all of their toes point forward, leaving them able to only perch vertically. due to this, they often nest in preexisting cavities in cliffs and barns. swifts can spend up to 10 months in flight without breaks – catching insects and swooping for sips of water, and even sleeping in flight.


the scaly-breasted lorikeet is a medium-sized parrot native to woodlands in australia. they are named for their chest patterning; yellow feathers edged with green, which appear similar to scales. like other lorikeets, they feed mainly on nectar using their specialized tongues, along with pollen, blossoms, buds, fruit, and insects. they live in flocks, sometimes mixing with other lorikeets, and build nests in tree cavities.


the faverolles (pronounced with a silent s) is a heavy breed of chicken developed in france. once used for meat and egg production, the faverolles is today primarily bred for show, with many color varieties. faverolles are a large chicken that are known for their calm disposition and friendliness. some of their indentifying characteristics are their build, muffs, and feathered legs.
