a mixed flock of scaly-breasted lorikeets and rainbow lorikeets shares a drink. although they are seperate species, they are closely related and often socialize together, sometimes hybridizing. they are both native to woodlands in australia, where they feed on nectar and fruit and nest in tree cavities.


like other cockatoo species, the pink and gray galah cockatoo builds stick nests in tree hollows. both parents assist in incubating the eggs and raising the young; when the babies fledge, they will join the parents’ flock with them. in absence of proper nesting sites, galahs will accept human-made substitutes.


the galah cockatoo, also known as the rose-breasted cockatoo, is a medium-sized parrot found throughout most of australia. galahs are extremely social and live in large flocks, sometimes mingling with other cockatoo species. galahs feed on seeds, vegetation, and fruits, and are sometimes viewed as pests for feeding on human crops. few other cockatoos have pink coloration, making the galah distinct.


the australian brushturkey is a large bird native to much of australia. despite their name, the brushturkey family is not closely related to american turkeys. though they share some similar traits, such as body shape and similar diets, the australian brushturkey is renowned as a unique bird. males build enormous nests, sometimes around eight feet in width, out of decomposing leaves and plant material. eggs are buried within, and the decomposing matter incubates them. brushturkey chicks are precocial, and leave the nest as soon as they have dug themselves out of the mound, with no help from their parents.


the king parrot is a brightly colored parrot native to australia. males are red with green wings and tail, and females are predominantly green with some red. king parrots live in flocks and forage for fruits and seeds in trees and on the ground. though they are popular pets in australia, they are not commonly kept in the rest of the world.


the flame robin is a small passerine bird found in australia. more closely related to fairywrens than european or american robins, the flame robin is one of three ‘red-breasted robins’ found in australia. the female is brown and lacks the bright orange coloration of the male.


the zebra finch is a small passerine bird native to central australia and indonesia. the finches are very social, and live in large colonies. their diet consists mainly of grass seeds; they breed based on availability of water, as they feed their young ripening seeds, not dried seeds.
