a house sparrow dustbathes on the ground. most birds produce oil from their preen gland that is used to keep the feathers healthy; dustbathing helps regulate the amount of oil on the feathers, and also can assist with removal of parasites from the body, penetrating to the skin where the bird may not be able to remove them.


part of a male bowerbird’s courtship display includes elaborate dances. sometimes, these dances can be perceived as threatening by the female, particularly younger females with less experience. studies suggest that male bowerbirds react accordingly and, like gentlemen, adjust their dance to a pace that she prefers.

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crows and ravens have demostrated a knowledge of ‘fairness’ – and demand equal treatment. researchers did an ‘inequity test’ on the birds. some birds received cheese, a high value treat, and others received a piece of grape, which was not desirable. those who received the grape started refusing to accept it. the researchers then performed an ‘effort control’ test. some birds were given a piece of cheese with nothing required of them. other birds could choose from cheese or a grape – but had to exchange a token for them. again, the birds that were being treated unfairly refused to cooperate.


even though magpies sometimes have a reputation for being annoyances, their intelligence can’t be denied. magpies are one of few non-primate animals to pass the mirror self-recognition test. after placing a colored sticker on the magpie and showing it a mirror, the magpie recognized that it was its own body and removed the sticker. magpies have a brain-to-body ratio comparable to that of great apes.

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